A couple days ago I woke up early to have some quiet time with God. Our days have been so full and I have been so exhausted that I have not devoted that time to God the way I should. On that particular morning I chose Pslam 16. Even though I am pretty much always unfaithful in my quiet time. God is always faithful when we come to Him. I read these words of truth:
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Pslam 16:3
That word commit . . . I'm not a Biblical scholar, I can't tell you what the word is in Hebrew, Greek or German, but I do know that it is a powerful word. It involves more then just praying that God will help us through situations, it is really placing the whole thing in His hands and saying, "Use me, I trust in your plan."
In verse 9 the Psalmist goes on to say, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
Here on Campaign we are each divided into teams with two to three members and a team leader. What I've learned these last few weeks is that following is hard. It doesn't matter if you are an independent minded person like myself, or a born follower, walking in the footsteps of another takes a lot of faith.
I so easily fall into my own steps, forgetting that I am to be following the One who has determined my steps from the very beginning. I am so inclined to set out on my own, but living in community here has been a great lesson in teamwork and following. Without these, we would not attain our goal.
These past few weeks, the monotony and intensity of Campaign has begun to feel normal. But out int the real world, away from these crazy schedules and ascribed community, Jesus has called each of us to follow Him. To commit to Him our very being--all our plans, hopes and dreams. After Campaign ends in one week, I am jumping into the unknown. I can say I have plans, but really I am stepping out in faith to what God has for my future. While the world views this mindset as weakness, I know (and am continuing to learn in our daily devotions and chapels) that in following Christ I can find freedom. For "whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord" (Psalm 16:20).
Campaign is almost over, but that does not mean God is done working. He has been showing me the work He is doing in my life, and the ways I am being molded for His purposes. My prayer is I will truly follow God's lead from this season to the next, and trust in His guidance--especially when I cannot see the path ahead.

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