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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Daily Epiphanies: July 24

Starbuck's new Banana Mango Smoothie is delicious . . . and over priced.

Although I love biking, my legs aren't always willing to cooperate. Today I borrowed a friend's bike and rode down the lake shore path down to Fullerton. I was dead tired when I got back, wobbly legs and all.

I am writing/illustrating a cookbook (thanks for the idea Rachel W!) I'm including all my recipe inventions, but I also want to put in a section of my friend's favorites.
So here's where you come in:

- Email me a favorite recipe (has to be easy and fairly unique). It can be something you created or from a cookbook.
- If you are willing to participate, you'll get unlimited access to all the other recipes.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Daily Epiphanies: July 5

It's been a while folks. Sorry.

This summer I've been completing an internship at the Pritzker Military Library
- attending free concerts in at the Grant Park Music Festival
- writing and llustrating a little children's book about a girl's field trip to the art museum
- painting murals for the kid's club at church

I love blazing down lake shore drive on the the #147 when the bus is almost empty and there's no traffic (i.e. saturday mid-morning)
I hate riding the #147 during rush hour when it is prone to 1) break down 2) be overly crowded 3) get stuck in traffic.

This weekend I'll be in Madison for the Art Fair off the Square. Oh memories!
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