To fill in, here's some things I've been up to:
- First, here are some pictures from my summer rompings through Millennium Park:

- I'm taking two classes this semester: Oral History and Urban America, and my internship credit.
- Still working at the university bookstore. . . thought is was only temporary, but I guess not. It's a good place to work, but I'm still always on the look-out for something to do with public history.-
- Been spending lots of time with friends and their kids. Super fun, and a great distraction from school work.
- This summer I painted a three canvases for the Kids Club at church. Here are two of them:

- I'm illustrating a children's book for my little friend Asher. The drawings are all done and I've started watercoloring them in. I'm excited to see how it turns out. The little book I started this summer has been put on hold. I promise it'll re-surface when I have more time.
- This last month I helped Heather as she set up a coffee house in the Jews for Jesus store front. It's a beautiful space. You should go check it out. (4118 Oakton St. Skokie, IL 60076)

- My cousin Shannon slept over the night of Rosh Hashanah so I attempted to make a challah . . . it didn't turn out so well. I don't know what my problem is! Since leaving home, I have not been able to make a bonafide, fluffy challah.
- This is my fall break, so I'm spenidng this time updating my blog, instead of reading . . . yippee!
Fall is my favorite season by far . . . so enjoy the autumn bliss!
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